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Alessandro Furchino Capria and the call for change

``There are no instants that are more stable than others, they are in the eye that beholds them.``

The Instant of Change 2022 investigates the transformation of matter through the gaze of Alessandro Furchino Capria with the significant subtitle “On chasing or on letting go”. Alessandro’s photos and videos explore the changing state of matter in collaboration with Ceramiche Caesar, Quadrodesign and Rexa.

These are hard times for change. We live in an eternal present. We wish it to last as long as possible, but we don’t want to feel its duration. We want the “now” to always be the right one. “The moment in which things happen”. Kairos, the Greeks used to call it. The exciting, full, and decisive moment.

But this desire is paradoxical if we do not allow any moment to take us elsewhere. If we do not open the doors to risk—to pain. What would happen if we stopped being afraid of endings? Perhaps, if we allowed them to guide us beyond, we would discover a full range of new beginnings. Because the only true ending lies in stillness.

Leonardo Caffo talks about The Instant of Change by Alessandro Furchino Capria, a project in collabo­ration with Ceramiche Caesar, Quadrodesign, Rexa.
Curated by Luca A. Caizzi | Hosted by Mo. 1950 | June 2022